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Sustainability Strategy

ESG Promotion Strategy

SK Specialty is evolving into a leading ESG company in the global materials industry.
To this end, we set mid- to long-term goals in the areas of environment, society, and governance, and promote various activities.

Evolving into a company leading ESG agenda
in the global materials industry

  • Environmental

    • Establishment of
      a green workplace
    • Eco-friendly products
    • Continuous
  • Social

    • Establishment of a safe and healthy workplace
    • Sustainable supply chain management
    • Co-prosperity with community
  • Governance

    • Establishment of the management system
      of the Board of Directors
    • Practice of ethical/compliance
      management meeting the global standards

ESG Management Activities

Identifying Stakeholders’ ESG Needs

SK Specialty has established various channels to collect stakeholders’ needs on major issues and makes efforts to reflect them in its management activities. We reflect various stakeholders’ needs in the sustainable management report through a criticality assessment. Furthermore, we would like to reflect stakeholders’ needs not only in sustainable management information disclosure but also in business areas through in-depth interviews with stakeholders. At the end of 2021, we conducted in-depth interviews with 3 major partners, and from now on, we will further strive to identify the needs of more diverse stakeholders such as customers and communities.

ESG 기준 신사업/투자활동: 2021년 ESG 투자검토 Process 구축/실행, SV Potential 측정 및 사후 모니터링 고도화. 2022~년 ESG 기준 신규 친환경 사업 및 환경 투자 단계적 확대

Development and Expansion of Eco-friendly Materials/Technology

SK Specialty is focusing on the research and development of eco-friendly materials/technology that can contribute to
curtailing environmental impact of the workplace as well as reducing environmental impact of products.

  • Reducing the environmental impact of products by securing various CCUS technologies at home and abroad

  • Upcycling of waste resources in semiconductor factory

  • Securing eco-friendly raw materials

  • Developing low GWP eco-friendly cleaning gas

Management ESG Performance Assessment

SK Specialty evaluates ESG performance in order to put ESG management into practice, and reflects it in compensation. When setting performance goals, CEOs, executives, each organization and members set goals connected with ESG in a 20-50% ratio of the total. We also reflect social and governance tasks, such as implementation of Net-Zero(achieving carbon reduction targets) and RE100, climate change/green plant development tasks such as waste/water recycling and safety management, ESG risk management for partners, community support and strengthening the responsible management of the board of directors, in performance assessment to encourage ESG performance. For technical positions where SHE management is important, such as safety and environment, a higher level of SHE-related compensation system has been established. The achievement of ESG performance is reflected in the final assessment results and is used for incentive payments, etc. In 2022, ESG-linked tasks were expanded according to the roadmap for improving ESG performance assessment. From 2023, we plan to upgrade and expand the scope of the tasks reflected in performance assessment by area(climate change/diversity/supply chain, etc.) according to strengthened global guides.

ESG-based New Business/Investment Activities

SK Specialty applies ESG standards to new business development and investment activities as part of ESG management activities. We have established and operates an investment portfolio deliberation policy which applies ESG standards, established management reporting and approval processes through the investment strategy committee, and stipulate new investments of 5/100 or more of the equity capital subject to the decision of the board of directors. In addition, we measure SV potential of new business/investment portfolio for decision making, and conduct SV impact measurement and performance monitoring afterwards. We plan to gradually expand new eco-friendly businesses and environment-related investments in consideration of external needs and stakeholders’ needs, including transformation to low-carbon society.

ESG Investment Review Process

ESG-based New Business/Investment Activity Objectives

SK Specialty takes into full consideration external needs including transformation to low carbon society, and plans to gradually expand new eco-friendly businesses and environment-related investments such as low GWP/waste resource upcycling products, CCUS development, etc.

ESG 기준 신사업/투자활동: ESG 투자검토 Process 구축/실행, SV Potential 측정 및 사후 모니터링 고도화. 2022년~ ESG 기준 신규 친환경 사업 및 환경 투자 단계적 확대.

Disclosure of ESG Information

SK Specialty published its first sustainable management report in 2021,
and will continue to disclose ESG information and publish reports by applying GRI and SASB/TCFD standards.



SK Specialty selects sustainable management issues according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard,
which is an international guideline for sustainable management reporting, and discloses the information through the sustainable management report.



SK Specialty discloses the information through the sustainable management report according to the disclosure recommendation
of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD).
It enhances management responsibilities through executive/board review and approval processes for TCFD disclosures.

TCFD 기반 정보 공시: 2021년 TCFD Index 보고, TCFD 필러 적용 중장기 전략 수립. 2022년 TCFD 개정 가이드라인 반영 세부 정보 공시. 2023년 ~ TCFD 개별 보고서 통한 상세 공시.


SK Specialty discloses the information through the sustainable management report according to the chemical area indicators required by
the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
It enhances management responsibilities through executive/board review and approval processes for SASB disclosures.

SASB 기반 정보 공시: 2021년 SASB Index 공개 (지속가능경영보고서, 홈페이지). 2022년 SASB Index 업데이트 반영 정보 공시 고도화. 2023~ 정보 공시 채널 확대를 통해 SASB 정보 접근성 최대화

DBL Management

SK Group seeks the happiness of various stakeholders through DBL(Double Bottom Line) management
which aims to grow together with society by increasing social value (SV) along with economic value (EV).

SK Specialty is committed to driving business model innovation that maximizes the creation of economic
and social values at the same time in all management activities according to DBL management.

Social Value (SV) Measurement System

SK Group has developed and applied its own social value measurement index based on monetary value,
which is divided into indirect economic contribution performance, business social performance, and social contribution performance.
The measurement of ESG performance based on monetary value is a global trend,
and SK Group also plans to lead the global standardization of social performance measurement based on DLB management.

SK Specialty has been measuring social value according to this social value measurement methodology since 2018,
and has been working to increase the social value of each performance area as well as economic value after measurement.

사회적가치 측정 체계 표(경제간접 기여성과,비즈니스 사회성과,사회공헌 사회성과로 구성)
Indirect economic contribution performance (E)
Tax payment
Benefits (new measurement)
Environmental performance (E) Product/Service Resource
Social performance (S) Product/Service Quality of life
Consumer protection
Process Labor
Shared growth
Social contribution Social contribution activities
Volunteer activities
Governance (G) ※ Governance measurement methods are being studied/reviewed and will be reflected later

Social Value (SV) Performance

Unit: KRW 100 Million

사회적 가치(SV) 성과 표(구분, 2018, 2019, 2020, 사회적 가치(SV) 성과 합계로 구성)
Category 2019 2020 2021
Social Value (SV) Performance Total 1,081 1,176 1,096
Indirect economy 1,261 1,335 1,216
Employment 705 768 847
Dividend 365 359 Not occurring due to division
Tax payment 191 290 360
Benefits - - 9
Environment* △260 △247 △280
Society 81 89 159
Labor/Shared growth* 67 56 106
Social contribution 14 33 53

*Includes product and service performance