Human Rights Management
SK Specialty has established a human rights policy that members should comply with to prevent human rights violations
of stakeholders in transaction relationship, such as partner companies, as well as members
In February 2021, we joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and declared our willingness to comply with the 10 principles, including human rights and labor.
Human Rights Management Policy
Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and international standards and guidelines on human rights and labor, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Charter, OECD Due Diligence Guideline, and SKMS norms, we aim to play a key role in social and economic development by creating values for various stakeholders such as customers, members, and shareholders, and to achieve business goals by complying with social responsibilities and norms that contribute to human happiness
- Detailed Operation Policy
1. Respect for human rights
We respect all members as human beings, and try not to conduct any acts that correspond to human rights violations.
2. Working Environment and Safety
We make continuous efforts to create a pleasant working environment and prevent safety accidents by complying with international standards, related laws, and internal regulations regarding working environment.
3. Prohibition of Forced Labor
We do not force work contrary to the free will of members by mental and physical restraint, and do not require the transfer of government-issued identification cards, passports, or work permits on condition of employment.
4. Prohibition of Child Labor
SK specialty shall not employ children or adolescents under 15 years of age, shall not allow children or adolescents
under 18 years of age to be engaged in dangerous or harmful work, and shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations
on child labor in all regions in which we operate. -
5. Compliance with Working Hours
Regarding regular working hours and overtime hours, we follow the standards set by labor-related laws of each country or region.
6. Wages and Benefits
We set the wages of members above the minimum level prescribed by the labor-related laws of each country or region.
7. No Discrimination
We do not discriminate in employment for any reason such as gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc., and do not discriminate in working conditions such as wages and promotions for the same reason.
8. Freedom of Association
We guarantee freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining under the labor-related laws of each country or region, and do not give disadvantageous treatment for reasons such as trade union membership, activities or formation.
9. Freedom of Expression
We acknowledge that everyone has the freedom of opinion and expression, the freedom to have opinions without interference, and the freedom to obtain information without restriction on borders/media, etc., pursue ideas, and convey opinions.
10. Personal Information Protection
To protect the human rights of all stakeholders, we protect the personal information of stakeholders in accordance with local laws and regulations. We do not use personal information without the consent of the information subject, or use it for any other purpose.
1. Respect for human rights
SK Specialty has established and implemented a step-by-step roadmap to strengthen human rights of all stakeholders.
We will practice human rights management by establishing human rights management policies and areas of intensive management,
conducting education and human rights impact assessment, disclosing performance, and expanding the scope of implementation.

Activities to Strengthen Human Rights Management
Human Rights Impact Management Process
SK Specialty establishes and operates a human rights impact management process to prevent human rights violations of stakeholders during business activities.

Human Rights Violation Prevention Program
SK Specialty conducts regular education programs by theme every year for all members in order to prevent human rights violations.
Sexual harassment prevention education
Education to improve
awareness of the disabled -
Personal information
protection education -
education at work
Operation of “Happy Companion” Subsidiary-type Standardized Workplace

SK specialty operates the Happy Companion Co., Ltd., its subsidiary to provide stable jobs for employees with disabilities and to preserve the diversity of the entire company.
Happy Companion has been equipped with facilities for employees with disabilities including wheelchair ramps, accessible toilets, braille blocks, handicap parking spaces, etc., and acquired a certification for a subsidiary-type standardized workplace from Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Happy Companion is managing the cleaning of indoors and outdoors of the company, in-company laundry services,
and postal services. SK specialty endeavors not to limit the business scope of Happy Companion, and seeks to
broaden areas of welfare support tasks where employees with disabilities can work and accomplish,
and therefore increase the overall employment.
SK specialty aims to support economic independence of employees with disabilities and raise positive awareness towards them with the operation of Happy Companion, and continuously make an effort to build a happy place
for employees with disabilities.
Education of Members
SK Specialty operates a systematic education and training program for all members, and supports improving member capabilities by focusing on internal mobility through various programs. SK Specialty strives to create a self-driven E-Learning culture by using SK Group's online education platform (mySUNI), and provides education on social values and happiness for sustainable growth of members and companies as well as DT (Digital Transformation) related capabilities such as AI/DT literacy education. Members voluntarily participate in the education program by establishing an individual annual course plan according to the competencies required for each job.
Human Resources Development System

Human Resources Development Program

We conduct ELP(Executive Leadership Program), FLP(Future Leadership Program), HLP(HIPO* Team Leader Program) and leadership workshops by position in order to enhance members’ leadership capabilities.
In addition, we provide leadership training for the next executive candidate and courses for new positions
so that prepared members can become leaders.
In particular, we support female candidates through the women's leadership course so that they can fully demonstrate their leadership.
HIPO: High Potential

SK Values
For sustainable growth of members and company, we provide leadership and management skills training for new executives and team leaders, training to secure group membership/identity and SKMS* workshop for new recruits,
and introductory training for new members through soft landing program, etc.
SKMS: SK Management System

Job Competency
To develop competencies required for each job, we provide technical and job competency training, such as providing group core values and self-development content through Mobile Academy, group-level case studies by job function and business area, operating competency school to provide flipped learning* through practice, basic training in semiconductor industry and engineering, engineering and field experts training programs, etc.
Flipped Learning: A mixed learning method that conducts discussion in class, participation and hands-on learning
after cyber self-learning of theories

In order to cultivate global talent, we are conducting language education to improve the foreign language
capabilities of members, and global capabilities education, a soft landing program for candidates
to be dispatched to overseas corporations.
Supporting the Work-Life Balance of Members
SK Specialty has established and operates policies to support work-life balance under the motto of "Members’ happiness is the driving force of tomorrow."
We will continue to carry out the Happiness 112 (12 promises for happy work) campaign focusing on 3 areas: growth of members, work & leisure,
and mutual respect, in order to support the happiness of members and work-life balance.
SK Specialty provides its work-life balance support program to all members of SK Specialty, including contract/dispatched workers.

SK Specialty has established a mid- to long-term roadmap to support members' happiness and work-life balance (WLB*).
We will continue to carry out various activities to make the WLB system and culture take roots, and based on this,
we plan to maximize the happiness performance of our members.